Golden retriever Border collie mix (GRBCM)

Golden retriever Border collie mix

Imagine a dog with the most intelligent and friendly parental genes. How adorable it would be.
You will fall in love to them in a second without any hesitation. (Golden retriever Border collie mix) is a good product of such parental dog breeds. Let’s find out more information about (Golden retriever Border collie mix). We can study and observe their characteristics in several sub divisions. At first we need to pay our special attention to the physical features of (Golden retriever Border collie mix) as we must be will aware of how to identify these puppies just by looking at them.

Physical appearance of Golden retriever Border collie mix

This is something interesting to talk about GRBCM puppies’ parents. Because they are really
identical to each other as parents of (Golden retriever Border collie mix). That is a hitting point to explain about these puppies. Somehow the parental genes have given them very attractive features. GRBCM puppies compose a dense double – layered fur coat which gives out to someone a hairy soft textured
touch if they touch these puppies. But their fur is bit rough compared to golden retriever puppies.
May be the fur we see rougher is stronger as well than golden retrievers GRBCM puppies are
mostly found in common black and white. It does not mean that other color ranges of them are
not found. They are available in other colors such as yellow, gold, brown, deep chocolate, red
etc. as well.

But very commonly black and white GRBCM puppies are found. When we talk about the size of
these puppies they belong to medium – large size dogs category but must remember they are
smaller than golden retriever dogs. GRBCM breed grow up to 18 – 22 inches at shoulder and the
weight would lie between 30 – 45 pounds in their matured age which we consider as well grown

Behavior of (GRBCM)

We can simply list out the main behavioral changes visible about (GRBCM) puppies once when
they grow up to an active dog. Let’s speak about them one by one later. Here are some mainly
observable behaviors of (Golden retriever Border collie mix )

Eager to please
Loving personality
Family bonded
Swimming/ Jogging/ Hiking

Although these features are very common, based on how you adopt the puppy, they will further
change in to more active or lethargic. But talking about these behaviors separately would help
people to understand about the likes and dislikes of Golden retriever Border collie mix dogs.

The main aspect of adopting a dog in a certain house by the owner may be the mental relaxation,
protection or the support by the puppy. In order to satisfy those expectations, the behavior of
puppies must be well studied. If you need the Golden retriever Border collie mix puppy to be your pet dog, it would be really helpful to satisfy the above goals easily. Because if you need to relax yourself our
children, we expect our puppies to behave better with you. For that obedience is number one.
You see your pet dog as an active one when they respond you soon. Here the GRBCM dogs do it
to their best if you adopt them better. These dogs are highly trainable. So that you can practice
them to respond you as you want. For that some cognitive stimulation techniques can be

(Golden retriever Border collie mix) dogs can be recommended to small children as well. Because they are very sporty, playful and they have a loving personality. Children expect more to be their dream dog walk
with them and play as how they do each activity. (GRBCM) puppies will satisfy your expectation. Why is that? These dogs are having very sporty potential as how they perform much better in hiking, jogging as well as swimming. Hiking and jogging are very common among other dog breeds too. But swimming is an extra ordinary activity done by (Golden retriever Border collie mix) parallel to the other dog breeds. These puppies bring this swimming skill as an inborn talent.

But never throw these puppies directly to water in their very small age as they must be ready for
that. But you can train them better. (GRBCM) dogs show another behavior but somewhat important to be known. They are eager to please. If they need something they strongly need it but no matter they behave so only for basic requirements such as food, sanitary requirements, water, space etc. children will get to know about the eagerness of (Golden retriever Border collie mix) puppies when playing. Because when the children throw something or struggle to betray something like a ball / stick from them, they fight for it continuously. That would be funny at a side.

Rather than everything we’ve discussed so far, here is the characteristic which is about to talk
that must be paled much attention to. That is their possibility of getting separation anxiety. There
may be lots of reason for humans to leave puppies alone. Sometimes permanently and sometimes
temporarily. May be you have a very busy life which you come home only at night. Sometimes
you will have to shift completely from your currently living city/country for several personal
issues. But remember if you have GRBCM puppy as your loving dog at home that will definitely cause him separation anxiety which may clearly show out soon after he identify your permanent

So try your best to practice your border collie mix puppy to spend time leisurely alone as well
only without being always family bonded. Specially when small children are bonded to
(GRBCM) puppies they expect them to continue living close to them. Sometimes they become erudite when the children leave for schools in the day time. But this should be managed systematically. Otherwise the separation anxiety may destroy the puppy’s health completely.
You can identify their mental depression with the abnormal behaviors, such as;

Diet rejection
Lethargic nature
Aggressive responses
Physical weight loss

Let’s take care (Golden retriever Border collie mix (GRBCM)) perfectly

If you have a better idea to maintain your (GRBCM) dog perfectly, then consider his health condition properly. Remember that (GRBCM) dogs are hypoallergenic. So that would be easy to
select them their requirements such as food, shampoo, soap, medicine etc. These puppies need a
proper personal hygiene as the other dog breeds too. Frequent medical checkups will grade you
how to maintain your puppy’s health perfectly.

Moreover, these (Golden retriever Border collie mix) puppies require at least 90 minutes exercise per day. These puppies love to have bath as all the retrievers prefer it by birth. So trimming nails and fur, brushing teeth are some common requirements of them that must be definitely given 2 – 3 times a week. But
this can be varied by practice or by your expectation.

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