Goldador puppies are produced by crossing the two breeds Labrador retriever and the golden retriever. Retriever breeds are crossed usually to obtain different varieties of retrievers to meet the requirements of people and to the popularity. Sometimes also to practice them as assistance dogs, search and rescue dogs, guide dogs or working gundogs. May you have heard about “golden Labrador”. That is also another term used to call Goldador puppies. As the Labrador retriever and the golden retriever build up the best traits to golden puppies, this breed has truly attractive expected characteristics of retriever generation.
Characteristics of Goldador puppies
Usually Goldador puppies can be considered as cuddling sweet puppies who are adapted to accompany families. They have evolved much up to their wilderness has almost forgotten and by practice, most of the Goldadors are now have become well civilized. But with the environmental factors, they can be changed from civilized to wilderness as still they have the dog’s species genetic traits. Goldadors are expected to be family pets and also service animals by humans. Those features are perfectly visible from Goldador puppies as their maternal and paternal genes come from popular breeds. When we draw our minds towards the physical development of Goldador puppies, they vary from medium-large categories. When Goldadors get mature, their healthy range of body weight must lie between 25-36 kg (60-80 pounds). The height at their shoulders grow up to 22-24 inches. Generally, they extend their life span up to 10-15 years.
Their hair can be found mainly in two types as short coat and medium-long coat. They are composed of thick fur coating which is having a water-resistant feature. The soft texture of their fur comes with a shinny appearance. The Goldador puppies are with a range of diverse colors but unique.
• Golden- light golden, dark golden, reddish gold
• Yellow- pale cream, darker yellow
• Black
• Chocolate/brown- deep brown or chocolate
• Mixed color
Goldador puppies have almond shaped eyes since their little age. Additionally, the eye color varies from brown to hazel.
Behavior of Goldador puppies
Due to the origin of Goldadors, they are very energetic and strong muscle holders. One of the mind-blowing activities done by Goldador puppies is swimming. Their webbed feet directly help them to swim through deep waters. It is unbelievable to see they’re in born skill to swim in deep water by floating and waving their hair in ripples. As their medium size ears fall down always, it is so funny when they run by waving the ears to either sides up and down rhythmically with a laughing face. Goldadors have a good instinct with their black, brown or chocolate color nose. They love outdoor walking sessions much. But if you rarely take your puppy for road walking, remember that your Goldador puppy will instinct more and more around as a lot of unfamiliar smells are felt by him. But be aware of what is taken into the mouth of them because they may get caught to microbial infections if they are not well adapted to the nature much.
Personality development of Goldador puppies
Goldador parental breeds are very popular to accompany humans and with that these puppies are always very loyal and friendly to the owner. When observing their behavior perfectly with few activities, it will be clear that Goldadors are intelligent too. These puppies love to bond with the family and prefers much to be with children. Goldador puppies are extremely trainable dogs. In training them, intelligence testing, therapy work and bias to please are few areas that can pay our attention to. Because these qualities are with the pure breeds of them since birth. That is why Goldador puppies are very popular among children. Majority of the people who seek a dog breed to adopt choose Goldador puppies with no second mind due to their playfulness, trainability, family accompany and the intelligence. Their talented swimming skill has brought them a light to their personality. They face forward bravely with strong legs and broad chest. Apart from the above, they have some other easily observable qualities.
• Patience with the children and maintain a calm and peaceful environment
• Behave gently when close toddlers although the Goldador is big in size
• They are quick learners and responding fast to what they practice to
• Exercise seekers as they have energetic body
Training Goldador puppies
If you decide to train a Goldador puppy, the following information would be really important to remember.
- Cruel at the beginning – it is true that retrievers are trainable but they reject the training sessions at first. You have to grasp the likeness of the Goldador using some tricks. For that, some steps have to be followed in a correct procedure. At first the puppy must be let to be free and relaxed. He must not get confused regarding what is going on. Otherwise, the Goldador puppy will be mentally unstable to perform better to your activities. Then instead of proper responses, the puppy will be rude at the trainer and try to stay away from him to confirm his safety.
- Give short training sessions – always let the puppy feel the activities you use to train him are really funny and active as well as appreciative. Never show that the activities are boring and hard to do by being rude for disobedience. The activities you assign the puppy to do must be very short always as animals cannot engage in the same task for a long time with their natural biological adaptation.
- Stimulate the puppy – Goldador puppies always must give a positive feedback when they complete an assigned task properly. For that you can cuddle him gently or provide some little refreshment to make him feel he did something appreciative. While showing the task which you expect the Goldador to do, tell it verbally as well to make it familiar to the ears of the dog.
- Habits – after stimulating the Goldador puppies for some tasks under verbal commands, he would be ready to it at any time if the mood is set. But they may expect some refreshments as it was the motivation of him to obey the owner. But this will automatically become a habit with time. Then even without refreshments, the puppy will respond to your commands.
Maintaining Goldador puppies
Goldadors are with short or long fur coat. Loosing of hair to a certain extent is a common biological feature of any mammal. But if it happens excessively, it is a health problem which should be treated. Goldador puppies require a body brushing 2-3 times a week. It will remove all the expired hair from the body of Goldador and will massage the skin to grow new hair. Brushing must be done to the natural fur grown direction and not the opposite way upwards.
Giving a bath to Goldador puppies can be done as much you want because they are water lovers. But with the veterinary doctor’s advises, the number of turns you give a bath your Goldador can be different from one another. Make sure to use a gentle shampoo as the fur coat must be well maintained. Trimming of the Goldadors hair should be frequently done especially around the paws, ears and tail. One special condition about Goldador puppies is that there is a possibility of growing their eye lashes inwards due to the deposition of excess fat around eyes if the puppy is under obese condition. In such occasions, the vet should treat the dog but not the owner as trimming the eye lashes would be dangerous.
Nails grow in Goldadors moderately same as in other breeds. That should be trimmed in 2-3 times a week. If the puppy stays closer to toddlers, trimming nails must be attentively done as it might injure the babies in emergency situations while playing with the puppy.
Personal hygiene of Goldador puppies
Hygiene of Goldador puppies is important for the better health of them. Brushing teeth and cleaning ears are optional according to some people those who argue about the maintenance of puppies. Someone can argue that in the past also there have been adorable pets close to people but they were not taken care this much but they were free as well as healthy. Hence, treating and protecting Goldadors like this is useless and that is a mental desire of man which can be vary from person to person.
But the answer for that argument is evolution. Natural evolutionary changes come with the external environment where animals were happened to live. At the present Goldador puppies are not wild anymore as they were cross breeds of very adorable parents.
They are well adapted to be family dogs rather than hunters like in the past. So, the environment has changed and they are adapted to domestic life. Their health depends on human at the present. Similar to a child, these Goldador puppies also must be well protected by maintain them by the owners. They have a habit to lick the body which we identify as bathing. But due to the thick fur coat they have, that would not be enough. And brushing teeth and cleaning the ears using wet cloth gently will keep him always clean and healthy.
With the modern medical instructions as they do not hunt and eat, they are given some dental chews for a better dental health. Regular medical checkups will protect Goldador puppies from communicable and non-communicable diseases as their symptoms sometimes are silent at all.