Dark golden retriever puppies are a variety of retrievers who are being adopted by many people in now a days. Mainly there are three categories of retrievers in the world today although they seem not much different but that classification has come by considering the areas where they live. Simply there’s only one type of golden retrievers. But locational wise types can be mentioned as American, Canadian and English. When we compare these three types together, they have some minute diversities such as fur coating differences (may be color, texture or nature), physical development, and few behavioral unique nesses. American golden retrievers compose a color bit darker than Canadian and English types. Moreover, the Canadian golden retrievers have comparatively a thin fur coat than English and American breeds. Among the retrievers, the dark golden retriever puppies are very famous among the children as well as among adults. Just by listening to the name dark golden retriever puppies, your mind will simply get attract to this breed of retrievers as it specifies something about this variety of dogs related to their color.
The color of dark golden retriever puppies
At the very first moment which your mind decides to adopt a golden retriever, the golden color is what you pay your attention most towards. Since then the dark golden retriever puppies hit a jack pot in many people’s eyes as their color seem that much interesting for those who love to be loved by them. The American golden retrievers show the dark color in their beautiful fur coat as mentioned
above. Hence the dark golden retriever puppies can be identified as the American golden retrievers. People have detected the color of dark golden retriever puppies as copper blended red sometimes but honestly that is a golden yellow chemistry. When explaining the color of them in this way, its clear how important the dark golden retriever puppies’ color to be a topic to discuss this much.
According to the American Kennel Club, this dark golden color is the third recognized fur color of these retrievers. Based on the nature of the fur, the reddish copper color you see may high-lighted with the light shiny reflections in day time. Their fur seems bit curly in the ears, under the neck and tail but it varies with some genetic diversities.
History of dark golden retriever puppies
When we peep into the origin of retrievers, it runs to the nineteenth century of Scotland. According to some beliefs of people, they accept that these dark golden retriever puppies have originated by crossing two different specific god breeds which some accept that it’s the genetical truth behind these variety. Additionally, we can think that these color variations might have arose with the evolution of retrievers with their habitats, foods they ate, environmental effects which they had to adapt etc. No matter how adorable these dark golden retriever puppies, we must be humble enough to accept their ancestors’ behavior as well. Commonly, dogs were a type of carnivorous animals. With the human interference into their lives, with the time they were indirectly forced to eat what people ate in the past. But we should keep in our mind that dark golden retriever puppies too have the hunting skills perfectly still in their genes. With the time when dark golden retriever puppies were closing to the domestic environment they showed some behavioral changes as well as physical changes. This won’t be much complex if we this about this scientifically. Assume the tough forest which they used to live in the past. They must have had to overcome many challenges to exist safely in the forests by satisfying their hunger. So, they must have adapted to live with cruelty and bravery to match with the survival for the fittest. Let’s think about the modern era. The dark golden retriever puppies are adopted more as loving pets even just to sleep with toddlers. It is true that hunters in the past have used these dogs to go for hunting and for their protection. But now it seems the dark golden retriever puppies are specially relaxing the mind sets of busy people. As a result, their behaviors from rudeness to cuteness have transformed.
Physical development of dark golden retriever puppies
Under the classification of dogs, the dark golden retriever puppies belong to the category between medium-large which may even exist in each peek. They are physically strong and very active in every side of activities. Dark golden retriever puppies also can be introduced as waterfowl retrievers as they can withstand against cold temperatures with the double fur coating they possess. Moreover, their fur coat is insulated and created to be water-resistant in action. It observes that these puppies love much to spend in outdoor activities and it’s a positive mark which they have the capability of continuous working for long hours. Dark golden retriever puppies have strong muscles so that they can be always active with the ones around them by making the owners always active and happy.
Emotions and mental balance of dark golden retriever puppies
Usually dark golden retriever puppies have got used to stay too closed to human association. With the time these puppies become a part of your family who might follow almost all the activities that the family members do such as watching television, singing to music (hooting), playing etc. Due to these close mutual relationships the retriever puppies are in a risk of separation anxiety if the family separates apart. The most interesting part of their behavioral practices is that these puppies can be trained to do simpler physical activities as they are intelligent at a side. For example, assume that you need to practice your dark golden retriever to bring back one you throw away or knock upward the rubber ball you direct over the puppy. This should be done step by step. It’s true that the dark golden retriever puppies grasp the new things sooner compared to most of the dog breeds. Here, the techniques should be practiced to them with positive feedbacks for their performances. For that you can feed them with small snacks that the puppy prefers more once when he tries or does the relevant activity perfectly. Then the puppy understands or practices that in order to get appreciated, the response must be done accordingly. With the time even without food, these activities can be done with your puppy as they get use to do them by practice.
The path of dark golden retriever puppies to popularity
At the very beginning, retrievers were kept limited to their friends and family by Marjoribanks. But with the time, once when his son Archie was exploring the world, he took two golden retrievers to north America as well as another one to Canada. The retriever taken to Canada was later retained to Britain. Finally, golden retrievers were registered at first there in Britain and step by step they became popular among people. There was a breed enthusiast or an advocate named Winifred Charlesworth took the responsibility of recognizing breeds while promoting them. Moreover, she admitted to have a dark golden retriever puppy.
Dark golden retriever puppies are the best therapy dogs for humans
People are really busy in their day-to-day life. As a result, they need much relaxation. For example, assume there’s a teacher who works six hours per day in a particular school. She has exposed to a noisy environment for a long time. Human mind has designed not to continue in the same format continuously. It needs a change or a relief. Therefore, if that teacher we took here once come back home, she internally expects a calm and completely different background apart from which she used to spend since the beginning if that day. In such a situation, dark golden retriever puppies would be the best therapy. Because they can impress you with their attractive looking with cute and innocent eyes just to make you feel free. They make you comfy with soft touch of their smooth velvet shiny fur coat. The specialty of these retrievers is that they can create a calm and quiet environment as well as a funny and active environment depending on your responses. It happens even not by practice but with experiences too. Simply they
offer you love unconditionally as how you expect. Because they are attention seekers and love lovers. In the world there are a lot of therapies recommended by medical officers for various psychological issues of people. For example, the heart patients are motivated to look at fish, listening to classical music, engage in mind relaxing games etc. the retrievers are also adopted by most of the people as a mental therapy for their family member who is not well. How do these puppies’ behavior affect the mental health of a man? Actually, an individual who is fed up of everything and depressed prefers much to stay away from human association as that must be the reason for why he was pushed to that current condition. Therefore, as a remedy for that, retriever’s behavior with them will be highly beneficial to bring them back to the previous condition. The murmuring sound of them and the comfort they provide by being cuddled would relax a man in few minutes. The precise therapy is the soundless emotional treatment that they give you for free. Even there is a great bias of people in adopting dark golden retriever puppies to vanish the loneliness of little children who are happened to stay alone at home when their siblings are gone to schools. There is a possibility of getting separation anxiety in pre-childhood. Dark golden retriever puppies’ behavior seems more closes to children. Therefore, these puppies will become the best friend of a child soon. The magic is the language understanding done by retrievers. You can practice your puppy by force with simple activities or automatically with the time to respond to your language commands. That would be the funniest part when these puppies respond to your commands by a little bark of humorous sound. So, the children would be really happy to spend their time with these pet dogs.
Health issues of dark golden retriever puppies
It is true that dark golden retriever puppies are physically bit different by the color from the other retrievers. But we need to remember that they are also a variety of retriever breeds. Hence, they also may catch the common diseases which the other retriever dogs catch such as hip dysplasia, some cancers, elbow dysplasia, heart problems and eye related problems. Additionally, there are some genetic health problems too related to dark golden retriever puppies. When we pay our attention to the eye related problems caused to dark golden retriever puppies the following conditions must be mentioned definitely.
Juvenile cataract
Pigmentary uveitis
Progressive retinal atrophy
But no need to drop down our first impression regarding these puppies just by listening to these health problems. Because retrievers are generally very healthy who are capable to expose even to very low environmental temperatures. But it is your duty to pay the attention to these health problems to save your puppy. No need to worry much about these problems because there are new treatments in the world which can protect retriever puppies from most of the above diseases if the instructions are well followed. Moreover, if the correct health habits are followed by the owner regarding these puppies, their health can be promoted.
How to take care of dark golden retriever puppies perfectly?
If you are well aware of the health problems that might arise to dark golden retriever puppies, you can take at least quick actions once when you identify any physical change of your pet. For that, you need to have a good prior observation of the physical and mental behavior of your puppy. Rather than taking decisions about your pet in any observable change, meeting a vet can be recommended. Then the relevant advises can be gained by him to take care of the puppy well. A point to remember is dark golden retriever puppies should have regular visits to the vet. Because most of the non-communicable diseases caused to retrievers are silent till it becomes vital at the end. There may be no solutions or treatments unless those diseases are detected at the early stage. The veterinary checkups done regularly will monitor the dog accurately. That would be helpful to maintain proper health condition. Same as to humans, golden retriever puppies also require to follow good health habits. Mainly proper nutrient requirement and regular exercises. Remember these puppies are foodies sometimes. They eat a lot if you give them delicious food to them much. But that would increase the weight of the puppy uncontrollably. It will lead to cause obesity. Therefore, the food should be given with a proper observation. If it seems like the puppy becoming lethargic, may be that’s due to obese condition. Although this information can be considered, meeting the vet before everything is wiser than deciding the condition of your pet by yourself. Walking outdoors with your pet will reduce his stress of being closed to your home garden while giving a better exercise. The negative side of outdoor experiences is sometimes the retriever puppy (especially younger ones) may not have adapted to the real natural environment with full of dust and germs. Then there’s a possibility of catching the puppy to microbial infections. But it is a must to let them expose to the nature little by little without creating an artificial sterilized environment. Remember that the dark golden retriever puppies are not much dark as you see them by photographs in the younger age. When they get matured, then the color turns darker little by little towards copper red. Sometimes the owners of the puppies try to give them some vitamins and supplements by thinking that their color change is not occurred due to a nutritional deficiency. But that is not an abnormality in the retriever dog. If you are sure with the breed you spent money to have the puppy from the seller as a dark golden retriever, then there is no any doubt regarding it. The fur color may change perfectly sharp on time. If unnecessary additional supplements are given, that might be another problem to the natural normal growth and the health of the puppy.